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The Armouchiquois


“It is best for humans to move away rather than face the full wrath of this supernatural tribe.”

-W. Haden Blackman


From There Be Hodags, by C.A. McAllister:

The armouchiquois are a group of little people of uncertain origin. They allegedly originate in Native American legends, but the specific tribe they supposedly come from is unrecorded. They then entered into the folklore of American settlers, who in turn brought the legend to Wisconsin and the Great Lakes region as a whole. Their name might give a slight hint as to their potential origin, as the word “Armouchiquois” was originally a French rendition of a name given by the Abenaki to a tribe that lived on the coast of Maine, south of the Saco River, a tribal group that no longer exists.

The armouchiquois of folklore were said to have stubby, squat bodies, thin and long, almost skeletal limbs, and heads that appeared shrunken. They are said to weigh about 60 lbs, and stand at about three feet tall, but most of their height is due to their extremely long legs. In fact, their legs are so long that, when sitting, an armouchiquois’ knees rest about six inches above its head. These long legs are also incredibly powerful, allowing the armouchiquois to run at extreme speeds, jump great distances, and perform skillful acrobatics. Their squat bodies and long legs give them an almost froglike appearance when they are jumping.

The armouchiquois are said to have a relatively small population, dwelling exclusively in the Great Lakes region. They are stealthy, and prefer to live on the outskirts of farmlands, always living in the proximity of a river, swamp, or body of water. They are embittered over losing lands to human expansion, and are quick to anger as a result. They become enraged whenever their homes are disturbed by humans, but are especially furious when exposed to pollution, landfills, or chemical spills. Angered armouchiquois will curse humans in retribution, causing broken windows and mechanical failures, as well as spreading disease to crops and livestock. In extreme cases, an armouchiquois will even resort to stealing children or pets.

The armouchiquois have notable similarities with the St. Croix River little people, who are likewise are a type of little people who live near the water and curse polluters specifically. They also bear some similarities with the leprocaun, which also dwells in swamplands, can jump great distances, and terrorizes humans that encroach on its territory.​

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From The Field Guide to North American Monsters, by W. Haden Blackman:

As early American settlers began to expand westward into the Great Lakes region, they were met by Native Americans who warned them against angering the spirits of the land. In particular, the Native Americans referred to the Armouchiquois, a race of stubby humanoids with shrunken heads and skeletal limbs who became enraged whenever disturbed by humans. Evidently, the early settlers did not respect the Armouchiquois, and Native American reports from the Great Lakes region are replete with accounts about these monsters' attempts tto exact revenge against the American pioneers. Eventually, the creatures were reported by settlers as well, who blamed almost every misfortune on the stealthy and angry entities. By the late 1700s, it was widely believed that the Armouchiquois were covertly battling humanity in pursuit of the richest lands.

By all accounts, the Armouchiquois are diminutive and thin. Each member of the race stands about three feet high, but most of this height comes from the creature's disproportionately long legs. When an Armouchiquois is sitting, its knees actually extend at least six inches above the top of its head. In many ways, these entities resemble frogs, with their spindly appendages and squat bodies. And like frogs, the Armouchiquois can use their powerful legs to leap great distances. They can also run at mind-boggling speeds and perform aamazing acrobatic feats.

The Armouchiquois population is relatively small and only known to occupy the lands around the Great Lakes, where they compete with humans for suitable living space. They will rarely be found in cities, preferring to live on the outskirts of famring communities or completely in the wild. They adapt well to a wide variety of terrains, from swamps to cropland, but they will always be found near a healthy body of water and patches of rich souil.

The Armouchiquois are renowned for their quick and volatile tempers. They are easily angered and their rage knows few bounds. Armouchiquois are enraged when their lands are defiled, and they are driven positively berserk by pollution, landfills, chemical spills, and the like. When such crimes occur near their homes, they band together to pester and harass the offending party through a series of magical spells and enchantments. A victim of the Armouchiquois' wrath might suddenly develop a lingering cough, painful rash, constant muscle spasms, or similar physical ailment that cannot be cured by modern medicine.

When humans attempt to build near the Armouchiquois land, the settlement will be plagued by such nuisances as mysterious fires, faulty equipment, diseased crops and livestock, broken windows, and a host of mechanical failures. In the most extreme cases, the Armouchiquois might steal children or pets.

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