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The Will o' the Wisp

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"Death is a primitive superstition."

-Will o' the Wisp


From There Be Hodags, by C.A. McAllister:

The Will-o’-the-wisp was another fearsome critter that originated in European folklore. The fearsome critter version of the Will-o’-the-wisp was used to explain the phenomenon of ghost lights, described them as tiny gnomes that carried blue lanterns with them as they traveled through the marshy land at night, making sure all of the small birds and animals were tucked safely into their beds. It is said that the wisps do not believe in the concept of death, dismissing it as just a primitive superstition. The self-proclaimed naturalists among the lumberjacks assigned the “scientific name” of Ignis fatuus to the Will-o’-the-wisp.

The Will-o’-the-wisp is not the only creature that arose in Wisconsin to explain the phenomenon of ghost lights, as they have also been attributed to bearwalkers and ghosts. Ghost lights have also been reported in the vicinity of the Devil’s Punchbowl, where another type of gnome is said to dwell.


From Yarns of the Big Woods, by Art Childs:

“What’s that? That strange light?“ asked the young tenderfoot in the North Woods. Over a foggy, marshy stretch of ground away to the left he seemed to see a strange, ghostlike light dancing.

“Nothing to be afraid of,’ explained the old Guide gently. “It’s Will-o’-the-Wisp. Will is a funny little man who goes about at night with his queer lantern to see if all the young birds and animals that live in the marshes are tucked safely in their soft little beds of feathers and fur. That’s his lantern you see now. And since he’s seeing that all the young animals have turned in. I think I’ll see that you turn in too, son. Remember, we’re getting up early tomorrow.”


From "Anonymous Dream Log":

I don't often have dreams involving gnomes. But when I do, they seem to  be weirdly prophetic. At the very least, there is an odd  synchronicity involved  here.


In the earliest dream that I can remember that involved gnomes, I was  travelling through a forest. For some reason, I was leading an army of "meme-makers" armed with copypastas. Suddenly, a number of gnomes appeared, each with a large bomb strapped to their backs. They shouted out the phrase "The Gnomes Are Real!" and then promptly exploded.


It was one of many weird and nonsensical dreams I've had, and I didn't think much of it at the time.


But then, years after this, the phrase "gnomes are real" suddenly became a meme on the Internet. I found this memetic trend rather amusing. I mean, what are the chances that I would had a dream involving memes and that phrase years prior?


Years after this, I had another gnome dream.


In this dream, I was traveling through a dark cavern, the rock walls of which were of a strange, deep purple color. In exploring this cavern, I came across a strange gnome. He wore orange-colored robes, and had pale, blueish skin with blank, white eyes. Perhaps he was blind?


This gnome carried with him a staff, on the end of which was a luminous, sky-blue lantern. Talking to this gnome, he revealed that he was a "sage" and we proceeded to have a series of complex, philosophical discussions. As in most dreams, I do not remember much of the substance of the conversation I had. I do remember the gnome sage seemed to have some strange beliefs and ideas about how the world worked, which were radically counterintuitive. Notably, at a point in our conversation, the sage began to laugh at me and mock me for "believing in death." As he put it, "death is a primitive superstition," and the sage was amused and surprised that I held such an ignorant belief.


After our conversation, I travelled further into the tunnel, and would later discover an entire civilization of these little men, deep within the purple caverns. Their cities were elaborately carved into the stalactites and stalagmites of a large, open chasm within the cave system. From the many windows and doors of these cities, the blue lights of their lanterns could be seen, lighting up their underground civilization.


Years after this dream, I discovered that these gnomes with their blue lanterns were already a thing in the folklore of local lumberjacks, predating my dream by almost a century.


So for the few gnome dreams that I have had, rare though they may be, the ideas contained in those dreams seem to be present elsewhere in the world.


What does this mean?


I don't pretend to know, but its a weird sort of synchronicity.


Some legends say that gnomes can communicate with us through our dreams.


Maybe this is why the "gnomes are real" meme took off years after I had dreamt it. Perhaps I was not the only one to dream it. Perhaps the gnomes implanted this idea into our subconscious through dreams, causing them to later manifest as memes.


Perhaps the same gnome I spoke with in my dream, with his little blue lantern, also spoke with the lumberjacks in their dreams, who spread stories of him and named him Will.


Or perhaps there is nothing supernatural at play here at all. Perhaps the idea of funny little men is just embedded into our human psyche. Every culture on earth has stories of gnomes. Can that truly be a coincidence, or is there something deeper there? Perhaps we are, in a sense, predisposed to believe in gnomes, leading to cross-cultural legends and gnome-believer memes alike.


If this is the case, though, I would wonder why the image of a tiny man with a blue lantern is embedded onto the human psyche. I'm no Jungian psychologist, so I'm at a loss to explain why that would be.


Or maybe, just maybe, the gnomes are real.

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